Godziny pracy dzisiaj dla Walk-in Clinics

Zamkniete dzisiaj

Dziś zamknięte
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  • Niedziela (dzisiaj): Zamkniete dzisiaj

Edytowac te Godziny otwarcia

🕗 Walk-in Clinics Godziny otwarcia w Winnipeg, R2K 4C1

R2K 4C1 1035 Gateway Road Winnipeg, ca
Phone: 204-667-5227, Fax: 204-667-5242
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If your physician is not available and you feel that you need to see a doctor for a non-life-threatening condition, a walk-in clinic could be a good choice. There are over 51 walk-in clinics in Winnipeg, many located in residential neighbourhoods. Hours vary, with some clinics being open in the evenings and on weekends. Typically, you cannot make an appointment at a walk-in clinic. Unlike an emergency department where more urgent cases will always be seen first, patients at a walk-in clinic are usually seen in the order in which they arrive.


Najblizszy Walk-in Clinics sklepy, Walk-in Clinics Gateway Clinic at Superstore Winnipeg

Walk-in Clinics Concordia Hospital Winnipeg, Winnipeg

1095 Concordia Avenue, 1.7 km

Teraz otwarte, dopóki 23:59

Walk-in Clinics Concordia Health Associates Winnipeg, Winnipeg

102 - 1155 Concordia Avenue, 1.9 km

Dziś zamknięte

Dental Clinics Henderson Dental Group Winnipeg, Winnipeg

1128 Henderson Hwy, 2.1 km

Dziś zamknięte

Dental Clinics Kilcona Dental Centre Winnipeg, Winnipeg

271 Grassie Blvd, 1.6 km

Dziś zamknięte