Opening hours today for Walk-in Clinics

09:00 - 16:30

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  • Sunday: Closed


🕗 Walk-in Clinics hours in Peterborough, K9H 2H7

K9H 2H7 170 Simcoe St, Ste 203 Peterborough, ca
Phone: 705-743-3837, 705-748-4011, Fax: 705-740-7594, 705-741-6340, Email:
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If your physician is not available and you feel that you need to see a doctor for a non-life-threatening condition, a walk-in clinic could be a good choice.
Anyone can access FHT services without a medical referral; however, you must first be enrolled with a FHT. Contact Health Care Connects (1-800-445-1822) for enrollment information. Most fees are covered by OHIP, so you must have a valid OHIP card.


Nearest Walk-in Clinics stores, Walk-in Clinics Family Health Team Peterborough

Walk-in Clinics Family Health Team Peterborough, Peterborough

270 Charlotte St, Ste 302, 386.8 m

Closed today